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Semper Fi Mission

On any given night there may be up to 100 homeless veterans in our county.


We refuse to believe that collectively – inspired and with the help of God – we cannot solve this problem and get every veteran housed.


One obstacle is that often the issues driving veterans to homelessness are not addressed, thus leading to relapses in homelessness after securing housing. This pattern promulgates the idea that this issue cannot be solved.


Semper Fi Mission refuses to accept this problem as being "impossible" to solve.


We can't control what happens nationally, but we can make an impact in our own county, our own community, and in our own backyard. SFM is here to bring hope and let people know that they are not alone, and that they have help.


We look forward to your continuous support for our mission, knowing that together - with God - the impossible becomes possible. 


Coming Soon!

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